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PostWysłany: Pią 21:01, 30 Mar 2007    Temat postu: OTs

ja tez niewem z kąd śćiągnoc i mam ten sam problem Exclamation Exclamation Shocked
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Autor Wiadomość
Sir Don

PostWysłany: Pią 9:42, 06 Kwi 2007    Temat postu:

Ludzie wszystko jest pięknie opisane ale nie znalazłem jednego. JAK SIE PODLANCZA DO CZYJEGOS OTSA ?!Załóżmy że nie cche mi sie grać na moim otsie i chce wyszukac jakis ots i na nim zagrac to co ja mam zrobic? Jest taki temat IP NASZEGO OTSA mam hamachi i niby sie chce tam podlonczyc tylko ze nie mam pojecia co zrobic powinnićcie to po ludzku napisać bo jedna osoba na dwadzieścia to zrozumiała a powinni rozumieć wszyscy :/
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Autor Wiadomość

PostWysłany: Pon 11:19, 09 Kwi 2007    Temat postu: Re: JAK ZROBIĆ OTSA ?? TUTAJ ODPOWIEDŹ

sMeRf Z napisał:
Krok 1: "Ściągamy OTS"

Po sciągnięciu OTS na pulpit rozpakowywujemy go. W folderze pwinny być te oto pliki: [link widoczny dla zalogowanych]

Najpierw otwieram plik OTS// (zaznaczony na czarno) [link widoczny dla zalogowanych]

Sprawdzamy czy są pliki z rozszerzenuiem *.dll (jeśli nie ma to udjaemy się na stronke [link widoczny dla zalogowanych] i z tamtąd pobieramy potrzebne pliki)

Tak powinnien wygladać nasz folder z OTSem:
[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]

No jeśli wszystko jest dobrze to możemy prześć do kroku 2..

Krok 2: "edycja pliku config.lua"

Wchodzimy tam gdzie mamy OTS i otwieram plik config.lua za pomocą notatnika

---------------------------- OTServ configuration ------------------------------

-- datadir
datadir = "data/" <---- to zostawiamy

-- sets what map to load
map = "data/world/test.otbm" <---- to zostawiamy (jeśli chcecie mieć własną mape to trzeba zamias "test.otbm" wpisac nazwę waszej mapy z rozszerzeniem "*.otbm"

-- OTBM for binary, SQL for SQL map, XML for OTX maps
mapkind = "OTBM" <---- to zostawiamy

-- SQL for acc/player info from SQL, XML for acc/player info from XML
sourcedata = "XML"<---- to zostawiamy

-- the message the player gets when he logs in
loginmsg = "Welcome to YurOTS"<---- tu wpisz co ma sie pokazac jak ktos bedzie chcial sie zalogowac na twoim ots.

-- the port otserv listens on
port = "7171"<---- to zostawiamy

-- name of our server
servername = "YurOTS" <---- nazwa servera

-- name of the owner of our server
ownername = "Yurez" <---- pseudo/imię właściela

-- email of the owner of our server
owneremail = "" <---- to zostawiamy, ale mozesz wpisac mail'a swojego

-- the url for more server info
url = "" <---- strona servera ( można podać adres acc makera)

-- the location of the server
location = "Poland" <---- kraj

-- the ip the server should redirect too
ip = "" <---- tutaj wpisujesz swoje IP (np. to z hamachi "" lub "" albo swoje zewnetrzne IP "")

-- The messagebox you sometimes get before you choose characters
motd = "Welcome to YurOTS" <---- to co wyswietli przed wybraniem postaci

-- use md5 passwords for accounts, yes/no
md5passwords = "no" <---- to zostawiamy

-- world type. options: pvp, no-pvp, pvp-enforced
worldtype = "pvp" <---- tutaj wpisujesz jaki świat bedzie na twoim OTS

-- max number of players allowed
maxplayers = "28" <---- ile max graczy na servie

-- exhausted time in ms (1000 = 1sec)
exhausted = 2000 <---- ustawienia exhausted (żeby wyłaczyc exhausted wpisz "0")

-- exhaustion time for healing spells (1000 = 1sec)
exhaustedheal = 1000 <---- ustawienia exhausted (żeby wyłaczyc exhausted wpisz "0")

-- how many ms to add if the player is already exhausted and tries to cast a spell (1000 = 1sec)
exhaustedadd = 300 <---- ustawienia exhausted (żeby wyłaczyc exhausted wpisz "0")

-- how long does the player has to stay out of fight to get pz unlocked in ms (1000 = 1sec)
pzlocked = 10*1000 <---- zostawic

-- allow multiple logins of the same char
allowclones = 0 <---- zostawic

-- vocation names
vocations = {"a sorcerer", "a druid", "a paladin", "a knight"}
promoted_vocations = {"a master sorcerer", "an elder druid", "a royal paladin", "an elite knight"} <-------zostawic, ew. jesli chce sie zmienic nazwy profesji

--- SQL part
sql_host = "localhost"
sql_user = "root"
sql_pass = ""
sql_db = "otserv" <---- zostawic

--- SQL MAP part
sqlmap = "test_map"
map_host = "localhost"
map_user = "root"
map_pass = ""
map_db = "" <---- zostawic

------------------------- YurOTS basic configuration ---------------------------

-- name of your world (seen on the character list when logging in)
worldname = "YurOTS" <---nazwa twojego OTS

-- how often do server saves it's state (0 = off, 5 = 5min, 60 = hour)
autosave = 10 <---co ile bedzie się zapisywał serv

-- do you want to enable cap system? (yes/no)
capsystem = "no" <---włacza/wyłacza cap

-- do you want players to learn spells before they can use them? (yes/no)
learnspells = "yes" <---włącza/wyłącza opcje nauki czarów

-- do you want premium players to wait in queue as others? (yes/no)
queuepremmy = "yes" <-----zostawić

-- how much % of {exp, mana, skill, eq, bp} do you lose when dying
diepercent = {"7", "7", "7", "7", "100"} <----il expa ma spadać po śmierci

-- how many summons player can have
maxsummons = 2 <---ile możesz najwięcej zsumonować potworków

-- do you want to give summons for all vocations? (yes/no)
summonsallvoc = "no" <---czy summony mogą być dla wszystkich profesji

-- chance of losing a spear when shot (0 - none lost, 100000 - all lost)
spearlosechance = 50 <-----czy spears maja się łamać

-- anti-afk - maximum idle time to kick player (1 = 1min)
kicktime = 15 <---po jakim czasie bezczynnosci ma kicknac playera z OTS

-- maximum number of items player can keep in his/her depot
maxdepotitems = 1000 <---ile możesz najwięcej wrzucić itemów do depo

-- maximum number of items on a house tile (including those in containers)
maxhousetileitems = 10

-- how much death entries are saved in players file (old are deleted)
maxdeathentries = 10 <---zostawić

-- mana consumend by {snakebite, moonlight, volcanic, quagmire, tempest} rod
rodmana = {"2", "3", "5", "8", "13"} <---ile zjadają many różdżki

-- mana consumed by wand of {vortex, dragonbreath, plague, cosmic energy, inferno}
wandmana = {"2", "3", "5", "8", "13"} <---ile zjadają many różdżki

-- damage of burst arrows blast
-- default is from (1*lvl+5*mlvl)*0.24 to (1*lvl+5*mlvl)*0.55
burstarrowdmg = {"1.0", "5.0", "0.24", "0.55"} <---za jakie Hit bijesz z burst arrows

--------------------------- Multipliers and gains ------------------------------

-- experience multiplier (how much faster you got exp from monsters)
expmul = 10 <---z jakim przyspieszeniem masz zdobywać exp

-- experience multiplier for pvp-enforced (how much faster you got exp from players)
expmulpvp = 2 <---z jakim przyspieszeniem masz zdobywać exp z ludzi

-- skill multipliers: 1 - rl tibia, 10 - ten times faster etc. {no-voc, sorcerer, druid, paladin, knight}
weaponmul = {"1", "1", "1", "1", "40"}
distmul = {"1", "1", "1", "40", "1"}
shieldmul = {"1", "1", "1", "20", "20"}
manamul = {"1", "3", "3", "2", "2"} <---z jakim przyspieszeniem masz zdobywać skille

-- how much points of life,mana,cap do you get when advancing {no-voc, sorcerer, druid, paladin, knight}
capgain = {"10", "10", "10", "20", "25"}
managain = {"5", "30", "30", "15", "5"}
hpgain = {"5", "5", "5", "10", "15"} <---z jakim przyspieszeniem ma rosnąć zycie, mana , hp i cap co level u profesji

-- how much faster do you recovery life,mana after eating food (1 - rl tibia)
healthtickmul = 5
manatickmul = 5 <---z jakim przyspieszeniem ma rosnąć mana i zycie po zjedzeniu fooda

-------------------------------- Skull system ----------------------------------

-- how many unjustified kills to get a red skull
redunjust = 3 <---ilu zabitych ludzi by mieć red skulla

-- how many unjustified kills to get banned
banunjust = 6 <---ilu zabitych ludzi by mieć bana

-- how long do you have white skull after attacking player (1 = 1min)
hittime = 1 <---jak długo masz mieć białą czaszke po jednym uderzeniu czlowieka

-- how long do you have white skull after killing player (1 = 1min)
whitetime = 15 <---jak długo masz mieć białą czaszke po zabiuciu 1 czlowieka

-- how long do you have red skull (1 = 1min)
redtime = 6*60 <---jak długo masz mieć red skulla (lepiej nie zmieniać)

-- how long do you have to wait to lose 1 unjustified kill (1 = 1min)
fragtime = 12*60

powinno to wygladać mniej wiecej tak jak jest to pokazane wyżej

Zmieniacie te ustawienia które są wam niezbędne

Info dotyczące IP:

Jeżeli nie wiemy jakie jest ip wchodzimy na strone : [link widoczny dla zalogowanych]

Jeżeli nie mamy stałego IP to wchodzimy na tą strne --> i ich program (DUC)

I to by było na tyle co można powiedzieć o config.lua

Krok 3: "Konta i postacie"

Wchodzimy w data potem (C:\tam gdzie mamy OTS\YurOTS\ots\data\accounts) w accounts, (
przeważnie pusty, tak jak na obrazku, więc musimy stworzyć nowe konto, a robimy to tak:
otwieramy notatnik i wpisujemy tam coś takiego:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<account pass="hasło" type="1" premDays="ilość dni PACC(nigdy ich nie ubywa xP)">
<character name="name postaci" />

i zapisujemy jako nasz ACCOUNT NUMBER (np.: 111111.xml), który bedzie używany do logowania się w Tibi
No jeśli to juz mamy (konto do gry) to teraz wchodzimy do folderu players (też pustego), by stworzyć gracza o name takim jak podaliśmy w naszych informacjach dot. konta (C:\tam gdzie mamy OTSYurOTS\ots\data\players) [link widoczny dla zalogowanych]

Otwieramy notatnik i wklejamy do niego ten oto kod:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<player name="name naszej postaci" account="[b]numer konta" sex="1" frozen="0" lookdir="1" exp="ilośc doświadczenia (Znajdziemy ją TUTAJ)" voc="numer profesji (1-Sorcerer, 2-Druid, 3-Paladin, 4-knight)" level="level odpowiedni do ilości expa" access="0" cap="170" maglevel="level magiczny" lastlogin="" plus="0" forging="0" q1="0" q2="0" q3="0" q4="0" q5="0" q6="0" q7="0" q8="0" promoted="0-bezpromocji, 1-z promocją" banned="0" married=""><spawn x="135" y="53" z="7"/><temple x="160" y="54" z="7"/><skull type="0" kills="0" ticks="0" absolve="0"/><health now="450" max="450" food="1000"/><mana now="6" max="1670" spent="8"/><look type="134" head="0" body="102" legs="122" feet="0"/><skills><skill skillid="0" level="10" tries="14"/><skill skillid="1" level="10" tries="0"/><skill skillid="2" level="10" tries="45"/><skill skillid="3" level="10" tries="0"/><skill skillid="4" level="10" tries="261529307"/><skill skillid="5" level="10" tries="3091182"/><skill skillid="6" level="10" tries="36"/></skills><spells/><inventory><slot slotid="3"><item id="2807"><inside><item id="3098" count="100"/><item id="3093" count="99"/><item id="3098" count="47"/><item id="3129" count="67"/></inside></item></slot><slot slotid="6"><item id="2989" time="561000"/></slot><slot slotid="7"><item id="3310"/></slot></inventory><depots><depot depotid="1"><item id="3436"><inside><item id="3440"/></inside></item></depot></depots><storage><data key="5015" value="1"/></storage></player>

Jeśli już pozmienialiśmy wszystko, to teraz zapisujemy to jako IMIE NASZEJ POSTACI.xml (np.: "Zbychu.xml")

No to by było na tyle co do "POSTACI I KONT NA TWOIM OTSIE"

Krok 4: Dodatkowe umiejetności w OTS"

<?xml version="1.0"?>


<action itemid="2969" script="gold.lua" />
<action itemid="2973" script="platinum.lua" />
<action itemid="2981" script="crystal.lua" />
<action itemid="3184" script="softboots.lua" />

<action itemid="3523" script="food.lua" /> --apple - weight=1.5 --
<action itemid="3189" script="food.lua" /> --red apple - weight=1.5 -72s--
<action itemid="3525" script="food.lua" /> --banana - weight= 1.8 -96s--
<action itemid="3518" script="food.lua" /> --big fish - weight= 1.2 --
<action itemid="3526" script="food.lua" /> --blueberry - weight= 0.2 -8s--
<action itemid="3538" script="food.lua" /> --bread - weight= 5.0 -120s--
<action itemid="3540" script="food.lua" /> --brown - bread weight= 4.0 -96s--
<action itemid="3537" script="food.lua" /> --candy cane weight= 0.5 --
<action itemid="3533" script="food.lua" /> --carrot - weight= 2.0 -96s--
<action itemid="3188" script="food.lua" />
<action itemid="3545" script="food.lua" /> --cheese - weight= 4.0 -108s--
<action itemid="3528" script="food.lua" /> --cherry - weight= 0.2 -12s---
<action itemid="3527" script="food.lua" /> --coconut - weight= 4.8 --
<action itemid="3536" script="food.lua" /> --cookie - weight= 0.1 -24s--
<action itemid="3535" script="food.lua" /> --corncob - weight= 3.5 -108s--
<action itemid="3663" script="food.lua" /> --dark mushroom - weight= 0.1 --
<action itemid="3542" script="food.lua" /> --dough - weight= 5.0 --
<action itemid="3521" script="food.lua" /> --dragon ham - weight= 30.0 -720s--
<action itemid="3544" script="food.lua" /> --egg - weight= 0.3 -96s--
<action itemid="3544" script="food.lua" /> --dragon egg - weight= 0.3 --
<action itemid="3516" script="food.lua" /> --fish - weight= 5.2 -144s--
<action itemid="3530" script="food.lua" /> --grape - weight= 2.5 -108s--
<action itemid="3520" script="food.lua" /> --ham - weight= 20.0 -360s--
<action itemid="3515" script="food.lua" /> --meat - weight= 13.0 -180s--
<action itemid="3531" script="food.lua" /> --melon - weight= 9.5 -240s--
<action itemid="3661" script="food.lua" /> --mushroom - weight= 0.3 -84s--
<action itemid="3662" script="food.lua" /> --mushroom - weight= 0.3 -84s--
<action itemid="3664" script="food.lua" /> --mushroom - weight= 0.1 -84s--
<action itemid="3665" script="food.lua" /> --mushroom - weight= 0.1 -84s--
<action itemid="3666" script="food.lua" /> --fire mushroom - weight= 0.1 --
<action itemid="3660" script="food.lua" /> --brown mushroom - weight= 0.2 -176s--
<action itemid="3667" script="food.lua" /> --green mushroom - weight= 0.1 -140s--
<action itemid="3659" script="food.lua" /> --red mushroom - weight= 0.5 -32s--
<action itemid="3658" script="food.lua" /> --white mushroom - weight= 0.4 -72s--
<action itemid="3524" script="food.lua" /> --orange - weight= 1.1 -156s--
<action itemid="3522" script="food.lua" /> --pears - weight= 1.4 --
<action itemid="3999" script="food.lua" /> --pumpkin - weight= --
<action itemid="3539" script="food.lua" /> --roll - weight= 0.8 -36s--
<action itemid="3517" script="food.lua" /> --salmon - weight= 3.2 -120s--
<action itemid="3519" script="food.lua" /> --shrimp - weight= --
<action itemid="3529" script="food.lua" /> --strawberry - weight= 0.2 -24s--
<action itemid="3534" script="food.lua" /> --tomato - weight= 1.0 -- --action itemid=2694 --wheat weight= 12.5 --
--action itemid=2692 --flour - weight= 5.0 --

<action itemid="1929" script="teleport.lua" />
<action itemid="1949" script="teleport.lua" />
<action itemid="430" script="teleport.lua" />
<action itemid="427" script="teleport.lua" />
<action itemid="408" script="teleport.lua" />
<action itemid="409" script="teleport.lua" />
<action itemid="410" script="teleport.lua" />
<action itemid="411" script="teleport.lua" />
<action itemid="423" script="teleport.lua" />
<action itemid="428" script="teleport.lua" />
<action itemid="429" script="teleport.lua" />
<action itemid="432" script="teleport.lua" />
<action itemid="590" script="teleport.lua" />
<action itemid="591" script="teleport.lua" />
<action itemid="593" script="teleport.lua" />
<action itemid="595" script="teleport.lua" />
<action itemid="596" script="teleport.lua" />
<action itemid="600" script="teleport.lua" />
<action itemid="604" script="teleport.lua" />
<action itemid="294" script="teleport.lua" />
<action itemid="580" script="teleport.lua" />
<action itemid="581" script="teleport.lua" />
<action itemid="385" script="teleport.lua" />
<action itemid="383" script="teleport.lua" />
<action itemid="392" script="teleport.lua" />

<action itemid="2087" script="trans_inc.lua" />
<action itemid="2088" script="trans_dec.lua" />

<action itemid="2711" script="trans_inc.lua" />
<action itemid="2712" script="trans_dec.lua" />

<action itemid="2845" script="trans_inc.lua" />
<action itemid="2846" script="trans_dec.lua" />

<action itemid="2847" script="trans_inc.lua" />
<action itemid="2848" script="trans_dec.lua" />

<action itemid="2866" script="trans_inc.lua" />
<action itemid="2867" script="trans_dec.lua" />

<action itemid="2868" script="trans_inc.lua" />
<action itemid="2869" script="trans_dec.lua" />

<action itemid="2874" script="trans_inc.lua" />
<action itemid="2875" script="trans_dec.lua" />

<action itemid="2876" script="trans_inc.lua" />
<action itemid="2877" script="trans_dec.lua" />

<action itemid="3419" script="trans_inc.lua" />
<action itemid="3420" script="trans_dec.lua" />

<action itemid="2872" script="trans_inc.lua" />
<action itemid="2873" script="trans_dec.lua" />

<action itemid="2933" script="trans_inc.lua" /> --pig bank--

<action itemid="2915" script="trans_inc.lua" /> --hallowen--
<action itemid="2916" script="trans_dec.lua" /> --hallowen--

<action itemid="2503" script="trans_inc.lua" />
<action itemid="2504" script="trans_dec.lua" />

<action itemid="2505" script="trans_inc.lua" />
<action itemid="2506" script="trans_dec.lua" />

<action itemid="2507" script="trans_inc.lua" />
<action itemid="2508" script="trans_dec.lua" />

<action itemid="2509" script="trans_inc.lua" />
<action itemid="2510" script="trans_dec.lua" />

<action itemid="2599" script="trans_inc.lua" /> --cuckoo clock--
<action itemid="2600" script="trans_dec.lua" /> --cuckoo clock--

<action itemid="2601" script="trans_inc.lua" /> --cuckoo clock--
<action itemid="2602" script="trans_dec.lua" /> --cuckoo clock--

<action itemid="2984" script="trans_inc.lua" /> --magic lightwand--
<action itemid="2985" script="trans_dec.lua" /> --magic lightwand--

<action itemid="2095" script="trans_inc.lua" /> --lantern--
<action itemid="2096" script="trans_dec.lua" />

<action itemid="2882" script="trans_inc.lua" /> --wall lantern--
<action itemid="2883" script="trans_dec.lua" />

<action itemid="2886" script="music.lua" /> --flute--
<action itemid="3198" script="music.lua" /> --lyre--
<action itemid="3157" script="music.lua" /> --post horn--
<action itemid="3193" script="music.lua" /> --drum--
<action itemid="3194" script="music.lua" /> --simple fanfare--
<action itemid="2893" script="music.lua" /> --fanfare--
<action itemid="3157" script="music.lua" /> --horn--
<action itemid="2896" script="music.lua" /> --horn--
<action itemid="3196" script="music.lua" /> --lute--
<action itemid="3199" script="music.lua" /> --panpipes--
<action itemid="2897" script="music.lua" /> --piano--
<action itemid="2898" script="music.lua" /> --piano--
<action itemid="2899" script="music.lua" /> --piano--
<action itemid="2900" script="music.lua" /> --piano--
<action itemid="2901" script="music.lua" /> --harp--
<action itemid="2902" script="music.lua" /> --harp--
<action itemid="2894" script="music.lua" /> --royal fanfare--
<action itemid="3190" script="music.lua" /> --post horn--
<action itemid="3197" script="music.lua" /> --post horn--
<action itemid="2895" script="music.lua" /> --post horn--
<action itemid="2892" script="music.lua" /> --simple fanfare--
<action itemid="2891" script="music.lua" /> --panpipes--
<action itemid="3199" script="music.lua" /> --flute--
<action itemid="2888" script="music.lua" /> --lute--
<action itemid="2890" script="music.lua" /> --drum--
<action itemid="2887" script="music.lua" /> --lyre--
<action itemid="2891" script="music.lua" /> --flute--

<action itemid="3421" script="fishing.lua" allowfaruse="1"/>
<action itemid="3395" script="shovel.lua" />
<action itemid="2941" script="rope.lua" />

<action itemid="2812" script="fluids.lua" />
<action itemid="2842" script="fluids.lua" />
<action itemid="3415" script="fluids.lua" />
<action itemid="3416" script="fluids.lua" />
<action itemid="3417" script="fluids.lua" />
<action itemid="3418" script="fluids.lua" />
<action itemid="2811" script="fluids.lua" />
<action itemid="2813" script="fluids.lua" />
<action itemid="2814" script="fluids.lua" />
<action itemid="2815" script="fluids.lua" />
<action itemid="2817" script="fluids.lua" />
<action itemid="2818" script="fluids.lua" />
<action itemid="2819" script="fluids.lua" />
<action itemid="2820" script="fluids.lua" />
<action itemid="2823" script="fluids.lua" />
<action itemid="2831" script="fluids.lua" />
<action itemid="2839" script="fluids.lua" />
<action itemid="2840" script="fluids.lua" />
<action itemid="2841" script="fluids.lua" />

<action itemid="2751" script="rwitems.lua" />
<action itemid="2758" script="rwitems.lua" />
<action itemid="3443" script="rwitems.lua" />
<action itemid="3444" script="rwitems.lua" />
<action itemid="3445" script="rwitems.lua" />
<action itemid="2752" script="rwitems.lua" />
<action itemid="2753" script="rwitems.lua" />
<action itemid="2754" script="rwitems.lua" />
<action itemid="2755" script="rwitems.lua" />
<action itemid="2756" script="rwitems.lua" />
<action itemid="2757" script="rwitems.lua" />
<action itemid="2759" script="rwitems.lua" />
<action itemid="2760" script="rwitems.lua" />
<action itemid="2761" script="rwitems.lua" />
<action itemid="2762" script="rwitems.lua" />
<action itemid="2763" script="rwitems.lua" />
<action itemid="2764" script="rwitems.lua" />
<action itemid="2765" script="rwitems.lua" />
<action itemid="2766" script="rwitems.lua" />
<action itemid="2767" script="rwitems.lua" />
<action itemid="2768" script="rwitems.lua" />
<action itemid="2769" script="rwitems.lua" />
<action itemid="2770" script="rwitems.lua" />
<action itemid="2771" script="rwitems.lua" />
<action itemid="2772" script="rwitems.lua" />
<action itemid="2773" script="rwitems.lua" />
<action itemid="2774" script="rwitems.lua" />
<action itemid="2775" script="rwitems.lua" />
<action itemid="2776" script="rwitems.lua" />
<action itemid="2777" script="rwitems.lua" />
<action itemid="2778" script="rwitems.lua" />
<action itemid="2779" script="rwitems.lua" />
<action itemid="2780" script="rwitems.lua" />
<action itemid="2781" script="rwitems.lua" />
<action itemid="2782" script="rwitems.lua" />
<action itemid="2783" script="rwitems.lua" />
<action itemid="2784" script="rwitems.lua" />
<action itemid="2785" script="rwitems.lua" />
<action itemid="2786" script="rwitems.lua" />
<action itemid="2787" script="rwitems.lua" />
<action itemid="2788" script="rwitems.lua" />
<action itemid="2789" script="rwitems.lua" />
<action itemid="2790" script="rwitems.lua" />

-- Key system By Orzech --
<action itemid="2905" script="purplekey.lua" /> --Purple key
<action itemid="2906" script="woodenkey.lua" /> --Wooden key
<action itemid="2907" script="silverkey.lua" /> --Silver key
<action itemid="2908" script="coperkey.lua" /> --Coper key
<action itemid="2909" script="crystalkey.lua" /> --Crystal key
<action itemid="2910" script="goldenkey.lua" /> --Golden key
<action itemid="2911" script="bonekey.lua" /> --Bone key
<action itemid="3016" script="mysteriousfetish.lua" />
<action itemid="3152" script="ankh2.lua" />
<action itemid="3015" script="ankh.lua" />

-- decayto items --
<action itemid="2855" script="decayto.lua" /> --candle--
<action itemid="2856" script="decayto.lua" /> --candle--

<action itemid="2852" script="decayto.lua" /> --lamp--
<action itemid="2853" script="decayto.lua" /> --lamp--

<action itemid="2865" script="decayto.lua" /> --candelabrum--
<action itemid="2850" script="decayto.lua" /> --candelabrum--
<action itemid="2849" script="decayto.lua" /> --candelabrum--

<action itemid="2858" script="decayto.lua" /> --torch--
<action itemid="2859" script="decayto.lua" /> --torch--
<action itemid="2860" script="decayto.lua" /> --torch--
<action itemid="2861" script="decayto.lua" /> --torch--
<action itemid="2862" script="decayto.lua" /> --torch--
<action itemid="2863" script="decayto.lua" /> --torch--
-- end decayto items --

<action itemid="1609" script="door.lua" />
<action itemid="1610" script="door.lua" />
<action itemid="1611" script="door.lua" />
<action itemid="1612" script="door.lua" />
<action itemid="1613" script="door.lua" />
<action itemid="1614" script="door.lua" />
<action itemid="1619" script="door.lua" />
<action itemid="1620" script="door.lua" />
<action itemid="1621" script="door.lua" />
<action itemid="1622" script="door.lua" />
<action itemid="1623" script="door.lua" />
<action itemid="1624" script="door.lua" />
<action itemid="1625" script="door.lua" />
<action itemid="1626" script="door.lua" />
<action itemid="1627" script="door.lua" />
<action itemid="1628" script="door.lua" />
<action itemid="1629" script="door.lua" />
<action itemid="1630" script="door.lua" />
<action itemid="1631" script="door.lua" />
<action itemid="1632" script="door.lua" />
<action itemid="1633" script="door.lua" />
<action itemid="1634" script="door.lua" />
<action itemid="1635" script="door.lua" />
<action itemid="1636" script="door.lua" />
<action itemid="1637" script="door.lua" />
<action itemid="1638" script="door.lua" />
<action itemid="1639" script="door.lua" />
<action itemid="1640" script="door.lua" />
<action itemid="1641" script="door.lua" />
<action itemid="1642" script="door.lua" />
<action itemid="1643" script="door.lua" />
<action itemid="1644" script="door.lua" />
<action itemid="1645" script="door.lua" />
<action itemid="1646" script="door.lua" />
<action itemid="1647" script="door.lua" />
<action itemid="1648" script="door.lua" />
<action itemid="1649" script="door.lua" />
<action itemid="1650" script="door.lua" />
<action itemid="1651" script="door.lua" />
<action itemid="1652" script="door.lua" />
<action itemid="1653" script="door.lua" />
<action itemid="1654" script="door.lua" />
<action itemid="1655" script="door.lua" />
<action itemid="1656" script="door.lua" />
<action itemid="1657" script="door.lua" />
<action itemid="1658" script="door.lua" />
<action itemid="1659" script="door.lua" />
<action itemid="1660" script="door.lua" />
<action itemid="1661" script="door.lua" />
<action itemid="1662" script="door.lua" />
<action itemid="2148" script="door.lua" />
<action itemid="2150" script="door.lua" />
<action itemid="2151" script="door.lua" />
<action itemid="2152" script="door.lua" />
<action itemid="2304" script="door.lua" />
<action itemid="2305" script="door.lua" />
<action itemid="2306" script="door.lua" />
<action itemid="2307" script="door.lua" />
<action itemid="2308" script="door.lua" />
<action itemid="2309" script="door.lua" />
<action itemid="2310" script="door.lua" />
<action itemid="2311" script="door.lua" />
<action itemid="1663" script="door.lua" />
<action itemid="1672" script="door.lua" />
<action itemid="1664" script="door.lua" />
<action itemid="1668" script="door.lua" />
<action itemid="1673" script="door.lua" />
<action itemid="1677" script="door.lua" />
<action itemid="1665" script="door.lua" />
<action itemid="1674" script="door.lua" />
<action itemid="1669" script="door.lua" />
<action itemid="1678" script="door.lua" />
<action itemid="1666" script="door.lua" />
<action itemid="1670" script="door.lua" />
<action itemid="1675" script="door.lua" />
<action itemid="1679" script="door.lua" />
<action itemid="1667" script="door.lua" />
<action itemid="1671" script="door.lua" />
<action itemid="1676" script="door.lua" />
<action itemid="1680" script="door.lua" />

<action itemid="2789" script="summon.lua" />

<!-- Construction kits by JTE -->
<action itemid="2713" script="constructionkits.lua" />
<action itemid="2714" script="constructionkits.lua" />
<action itemid="2715" script="constructionkits.lua" />
<action itemid="2716" script="constructionkits.lua" />
<action itemid="2717" script="constructionkits.lua" />
<action itemid="2718" script="constructionkits.lua" />
<action itemid="2719" script="constructionkits.lua" />
<action itemid="2720" script="constructionkits.lua" />
<action itemid="2721" script="constructionkits.lua" />
<action itemid="2722" script="constructionkits.lua" />
<action itemid="2723" script="constructionkits.lua" />
<action itemid="2724" script="constructionkits.lua" />
<action itemid="2725" script="constructionkits.lua" />
<action itemid="2726" script="constructionkits.lua" />
<action itemid="2727" script="constructionkits.lua" />
<action itemid="2728" script="constructionkits.lua" />
<action itemid="2729" script="constructionkits.lua" />
<action itemid="2730" script="constructionkits.lua" />
<action itemid="2731" script="constructionkits.lua" />
<action itemid="2732" script="constructionkits.lua" />
<action itemid="2733" script="constructionkits.lua" />
<action itemid="2734" script="constructionkits.lua" />
<action itemid="2735" script="constructionkits.lua" />
<action itemid="2736" script="constructionkits.lua" />
<action itemid="2737" script="constructionkits.lua" />
<action itemid="2738" script="constructionkits.lua" />
<action itemid="2739" script="constructionkits.lua" />
<action itemid="2740" script="constructionkits.lua" />
<action itemid="2741" script="constructionkits.lua" />
<action itemid="2742" script="constructionkits.lua" />
<action itemid="2743" script="constructionkits.lua" />
<action itemid="2744" script="constructionkits.lua" />
<action itemid="2745" script="constructionkits.lua" />
<action itemid="2746" script="constructionkits.lua" />
<action itemid="2747" script="constructionkits.lua" />
<action itemid="2748" script="constructionkits.lua" />
<action itemid="2749" script="constructionkits.lua" />
<action itemid="2750" script="constructionkits.lua" />

<action itemid="2931" script="invasion.lua" />

Tak powinien wygladać wasz plik actions.lua!! a wszystkie te pliki "lever.lua ; gold.lua; etc." znajdują się w folderze scripts (C:\tam gdzie macie OTS\YurOTS\ots\data\actions\scripts) tak powinien wygladać folder scripts zaraz po sciągnięciu OTSa
[link widoczny dla zalogowanych] bo później to wy będziecie coś do niego dodawać kub edytować xD

2)NPC (sprzedawcy)

W tym katalogu (C:\tam gdzie macie OTS\YurOTS\ots\data\npc) są zamieszczeni wszyscy srpzedawcy z wasze serwera (zaraz po sciagnieciu OTS powinno to wygladac tak:
-folder NPCów:
[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]
-oraz folder skrytptów do nich:
[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]

By dodać NPCa trzeba właczyć notatnik i wkleić do niego ten tekst:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<npc name="imię NPC" script="data/npc/scripts/imię NPC.lua" access="3" lookdir="2">
<mana now="dowolna liczba" max="dowolna liczba"/>
<health now="dowolna liczba" max="dowolna liczba"/>
<look type="133" head="19" body="114" legs="94" feet="94"/>

zapisujemy to jako imię NPC.xml (np.:zioom.xml)

a potem w scripts tworzymy plik tekstowy (z rozszezeniem "*.lua") takim jak napsialiśmy tutaj (pogrubiony tekst):

<npc name="imię NPC" script="data/npc/scripts/imię NPC.lua" access="3" lookdir="2">

po zrobieniu tego pliku wklejamy do niego ten oto tekst (można go zawsze edytować lub wziąc gotowy ze Spisu Skryptów by PaCyFiC, link podanny na górze strony)(ja użyłem do tego poradnika przypadkowo wybranego NPCa)

focus = 0
talk_start = 0
target = 0
following = false
attacking = false

function onThingMove(creature, thing, oldpos, oldstackpos)


function onCreatureAppear(creature)


function onCreatureDisappear(cid, pos)
if focus == cid then
selfSay('Good bye then.')
focus = 0
talk_start = 0

function onCreatureTurn(creature)


function msgcontains(txt, str)
return (string.find(txt, str) and not string.find(txt, '(%w+)' .. str) and not string.find(txt, str .. '(%w+)'))

function onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg)
msg = string.lower(msg)

if ((string.find(msg, '(%a*)hi(%a*)')) and (focus == 0)) and getDistanceToCreature(cid) < 4 then
selfSay('Hello, ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. '! I sell ropes (50gps), shovels (20gps), backpacks (10gps), manafluids (100gps), lifefluids (60gps) and fishing rods (100gps). I buy vials (10gps).')
focus = cid
talk_start = os.clock()

elseif string.find(msg, '(%a*)hi(%a*)') and (focus ~= cid) and getDistanceToCreature(cid) < 4 then
selfSay('Sorry, ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. '! I talk to you in a minute.')

elseif msgcontains(msg, 'rope') and focus == cid then
talk_start = os.clock()

elseif msgcontains(msg, 'shovel') and focus == cid then
talk_start = os.clock()

elseif msgcontains(msg, 'backpack') and focus == cid then
talk_start = os.clock()

elseif msgcontains(msg, 'manafluid') or msgcontains(msg, 'mana fluid') and focus == cid then
talk_start = os.clock()

elseif msgcontains(msg, 'lifefluid') or msgcontains(msg, 'life fluid') and focus == cid then
talk_start = os.clock()

elseif msgcontains(msg, 'fishing rod') and focus == cid then
talk_start = os.clock()

elseif (msgcontains(msg, 'vial') or msgcontains(msg, 'flask')) and focus == cid then
talk_start = os.clock()

elseif string.find(msg, '(%a*)bye(%a*)') and focus == cid and getDistanceToCreature(cid) < 4 then
selfSay('Good bye, ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. '!')
focus = 0
talk_start = 0

function onCreatureChangeOutfit(creature)


function onThink()
if (os.clock() - talk_start) > 30 then
if focus > 0 then
selfSay('Next Please...')
focus = 0
if focus ~= 0 then
if getDistanceToCreature(focus) > 5 then
selfSay('Good bye then.')
focus = 0

Żeby NPC "wyświetlał się" nam na mapie trzeba go wkleić do "C:\...\ots\data\world\NPC.xml" mniej więcej w trzeciej linijce od góry wpisujemy taki kod:

<npc name="imię NPC" x="dana x (pionowo)" y="dana y(poziomo)" z="7"/>

3)Czary (Spells):

W tym folderze znajduja się wszystkie czary jakie sa mozliwe na OTSie (C:\tam gdzie mamy OTS\YurOTS\ots\data\spells), powinnien wygladac tak:
[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]

Twój plik spels.xml powinnien zawierać takie czary:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<spells maxVoc="4">

<!--// Instant \\-->
<spell name="Light" words="utevo lux" maglv="0" mana="20" enabled="1"><vocation id="1" /><vocation id="2" /><vocation id="3" /><vocation id="4" /><vocation id="5" /></spell>
<spell name="Greater Light" words="utevo gran lux" maglv="3" mana="60" enabled="1"><vocation id="1" /><vocation id="2" /><vocation id="3" /><vocation id="4" /><vocation id="5" /></spell>
<spell name="Ultimate Light" words="utevo vis lux" maglv="12" mana="140" enabled="1"><vocation id="1" /><vocation id="2" /><vocation id="5" /></spell>
<spell name="Poison Storm" words="exevo gran mas pox" maglv="28" mana="600" enabled="1"><vocation id="2" /><vocation id="5" /></spell>
<spell name="Ultimate Explosion" words="exevo gran mas vis" maglv="40" mana="800" enabled="1"><vocation id="1" /><vocation id="5" /></spell>
<spell name="Great Energy Beam" words="exevo gran vis lux" maglv="14" mana="200" enabled="1"><vocation id="1" /><vocation id="5" /></spell>
<spell name="Fire Wave" words="exevo flam hur" maglv="7" mana="80" enabled="1"><vocation id="1" /></spell>
<spell name="Energy Wave" words="exevo mort hur" maglv="20" mana="250" enabled="1"><vocation id="1" /><vocation id="5" /></spell>
<spell name="Flame Strike" words="exori flam" maglv="3" mana="20" enabled="1"><vocation id="1" /><vocation id="2" /></spell>
<spell name="Force Strike" words="exori mort" maglv="2" mana="20" enabled="1"><vocation id="1" /><vocation id="2" /></spell>
<spell name="Energy Strike" words="exori vis" maglv="3" mana="20" enabled="1"><vocation id="1" /><vocation id="2" /></spell>
<spell name="Berzeker" words="exori" maglv="5" mana="100" enabled="1"><vocation id="4" /><vocation id="5" /></spell>
<spell name="Mass Healing" words="exura gran mas res" maglv="19" mana="150" enabled="1"><vocation id="2" /><vocation id="5" /></spell>
<spell name="Heal Friend" words="exura sio" maglv="7" mana="50" enabled="1"><vocation id="2" /><vocation id="5" /></spell>
<spell name="Ultimate Healing" words="exura vita" maglv="8" mana="80" enabled="1"><vocation id="1" /><vocation id="2" /><vocation id="3" /></spell>
<spell name="Intense Healing" words="exura gran" maglv="4" mana="40" enabled="1"><vocation id="1" /><vocation id="2" /><vocation id="3" /></spell>
<spell name="Light Healing" words="exura" maglv="1" mana="25" enabled="1"><vocation id="1" /><vocation id="2" /><vocation id="3" /><vocation id="4" /><vocation id="5" /></spell>
<spell name="Mana Shield" words="utamo vita" maglv="4" mana="50" enabled="1"><vocation id="1" /><vocation id="2" /><vocation id="3" /><vocation id="5" /></spell>
<spell name="Strong Haste" words="utani gran hur" maglv="8" mana="100" enabled="1"><vocation id="1" /><vocation id="2" /><vocation id="5" /></spell>
<spell name="Haste" words="utani hur" maglv="4" mana="60" enabled="1"><vocation id="1" /><vocation id="2" /><vocation id="3" /><vocation id="4" /><vocation id="5" /></spell>
<spell name="Paralyze" words="utani slow" maglv="4" mana="60" enabled="1"><vocation id="1" /><vocation id="2" /><vocation id="3" /><vocation id="5" /></spell>
<spell name="Creature Illusion" words="utevo res ina" maglv="10" mana="100" enabled="1"><vocation id="1" /><vocation id="2" /><vocation id="5" /></spell>
<!--\\ End Instant //-->
<!--// Monster \\-->
<spell name="dragon_firewave" words="dragon_firewave" maglv="0" mana="0" enabled="1"></spell>
<spell name="dragonlord_firebomb" words="dragon_firebomb" maglv="0" mana="0" enabled="1"></spell>
<spell name="orshabaal_deathstar" words="orshabaal_deathstar" maglv="0" mana="0" enabled="1"></spell>
<spell name="orshabaal_exori" words="orshabaal_exori" maglv="0" mana="0" enabled="1"></spell>
<spell name="banshee_sonar" words="banshee_sonar" maglv="0" mana="0" enabled="1"></spell>
<spell name="dipthrah_death" words="death awaits you" maglv="0" mana="0" enabled="1"></spell>
<spell name="deathslicer_smile" words="deathslicer_smile" maglv="0" mana="0" enabled="1"></spell>
<spell name="hydra_poison" words="hydra_poison" maglv="0" mana="0" enabled="1"></spell>
<spell name="hydra_water" words="hydra_water" maglv="0" mana="0" enabled="1"></spell>
<!--\\ Monster //-->

<!--// Make arrow and bolt \\-->
<spell name="Conjure Arrow" words="exevo con" maglv="2" mana="40" enabled="1"><vocation id="3" /><vocation id="5" /></spell>
<spell name="Conjure Bolt" words="exevo con mort" maglv="6" mana="70" enabled="1"><vocation id="3" /><vocation id="5" /></spell>
<spell name="Poison Arrow" words="exevo con pox" maglv="5" mana="70" enabled="1"><vocation id="3" /><vocation id="5" /></spell>
<spell name="Burst Arrow" words="exevo con flam" maglv="10" mana="120" enabled="1"><vocation id="3" /><vocation id="5" /></spell>
<spell name="Power Bolt" words="exevo con vis" maglv="14" mana="200" enabled="1"><vocation id="3" /><vocation id="5" /></spell>
<!--\\ End Make arrow and bolt //-->

<spell name="Create Food" words="exevo pan" maglv="0" mana="30" enabled="1"><vocation id="1" /><vocation id="2" /><vocation id="3" /><vocation id="4" /><vocation id="5" /></spell>

<!--// Make Runes \\-->
<spell name="Light Magic Missle" words="adori" maglv="1" mana="40" enabled="1"><vocation id="1"/><vocation id="2"/><vocation id="3"/></spell>
<spell name="Poison Field" words="adevo grav pox" maglv="1" mana="50" enabled="1"><vocation id="1"/><vocation id="2"/></spell>
<spell name="Heavy Magic Missile" words="adori gran" maglv="3" mana="70" enabled="1"><vocation id="1" /><vocation id="2" /><vocation id="3" /></spell>
<spell name="Fire Field" words="adevo grav flam" maglv="3" mana="60" enabled="1"><vocation id="1"/><vocation id="2"/></spell>
<spell name="Intense Healing" words="adura gran" maglv="4" mana="60" enabled="1"><vocation id="2"/></spell>
<spell name="Fireball" words="adori flam" maglv="5" mana="60" enabled="1"><vocation id="1" /><vocation id="2" /><vocation id="3" /></spell>
<spell name="Energy Field" words="adevo grav vis" maglv="5" mana="80" enabled="1"><vocation id="1" /><vocation id="2" /></spell>
<spell name="Antidote" words="adana pox" maglv="5" mana="50" enabled="1"><vocation id="2" /><vocation id="3" /></spell>
<spell name="Destroy Field" words="adito grav" maglv="6" mana="60" enabled="1"><vocation id="1" /><vocation id="2" /><vocation id="3" /></spell>
<spell name="Animate Dead" words="adana mort" maglv="7" mana="300" enabled="1"><vocation id="1" /><vocation id="2" /></spell>
<spell name="Envenom" words="adevo res pox" maglv="7" mana="100" enabled="1"><vocation id="2" /></spell>
<spell name="Desintegrate" words="adito tera" maglv="8" mana="100" enabled="1"><vocation id="1" /><vocation id="2" /><vocation id="3" /></spell>
<spell name="Poisonbomb" words="adevo max pox" maglv="8" mana="130" enabled="1"><vocation id="2" /></spell>
<spell name="Great Fireball" words="adori gran flam" maglv="9" mana="120" enabled="1"><vocation id="1" /><vocation id="2" /></spell>
<spell name="Firebomb" words="adevo mas flam" maglv="9" mana="150" enabled="1"><vocation id="1" /><vocation id="2" /></spell>
<spell name="Convince Creature" words="adeta sio" maglv="10" mana="100" enabled="1"><vocation id="2" /></spell>
<spell name="Poison Wall" words="adevo mas grav pox" maglv="11" mana="160" enabled="1"><vocation id="1" /><vocation id="2" /></spell>
<spell name="Chameleon" words="adevo ina" maglv="11" mana="150" enabled="1"><vocation id="2" /></spell>
<spell name="Ultimate Healing" words="adura vita" maglv="11" mana="100" enabled="1"><vocation id="2" /></spell>
<spell name="Explosion" words="adevo mas hur" maglv="12" mana="180" enabled="1"><vocation id="1" /><vocation id="2" /></spell>
<spell name="Soulfire" words="adevo res flam" maglv="13" mana="150" enabled="1"><vocation id="1" /><vocation id="2" /></spell>
<spell name="Fire Wall" words="adevo mas grav flam" maglv="13" mana="200" enabled="1"><vocation id="1" /><vocation id="2" /></spell>
<spell name="Magic Wall" words="adevo grav tera" maglv="14" mana="250" enabled="1"><vocation id="1" /></spell>
<spell name="Energy Bomb" words="adevo mas vis" maglv="18" mana="220" enabled="1"><vocation id="1" /></spell>
<spell name="Energy Wall" words="adevo mas grav vis" maglv="18" mana="250" enabled="1"><vocation id="1" /><vocation id="2" /></spell>
<spell name="Sudden Death" words="adori vita vis" maglv="25" mana="220" enabled="1"><vocation id="1" /></spell>

<spell name="Heavy Magic Missile 10" words="adori gran dec" maglv="3" mana="140" enabled="1"><vocation id="1" /><vocation id="2" /><vocation id="3" /></spell>
<spell name="Great Fireball 10" words="adori gran flam dec" maglv="9" mana="400" enabled="1"><vocation id="1" /><vocation id="2" /></spell>
<spell name="Ultimate Healing 10" words="adura vita dec" maglv="11" mana="1000" enabled="1"><vocation id="2" /></spell>
<spell name="Explosion 10" words="adevo mas hur dec" maglv="12" mana="600" enabled="1"><vocation id="1" /><vocation id="2" /></spell>
<spell name="Sudden Death 10" words="adori vita vis dec" maglv="25" mana="2200" enabled="1"><vocation id="1" /></spell>
<spell name="Blank" words="adori blank" maglv="3" mana="60" enabled="1"><vocation id="1" /><vocation id="2" /><vocation id="3" /></spell>
<!--\\ End Make Runes //-->

<!--// Runes \\-->
<rune name="Light Magic Missle" id="3112" charges="5" maglv="0" mana="0" enabled="1"></rune>
<rune name="Poison Field" id="3110" charges="3" maglv="0" mana="0" enabled="1"></rune>
<rune name="Heavy Magic Missile" id="3136" charges="5" maglv="1" mana="0" enabled="1"></rune>
<rune name="Fire Field" id="3126" charges="3" maglv="1" mana="0" enabled="1"></rune>
<rune name="Intense Healing" id="3090" charges="1" maglv="1" mana="0" enabled="1"></rune>
<rune name="Fireball" id="3127" charges="3" maglv="2" mana="0" enabled="1"></rune>
<rune name="Energy Field" id="3102" charges="3" maglv="3" mana="0" enabled="1"></rune>
<rune name="Antidote" id="3091" charges="1" maglv="0" mana="0" enabled="1"></rune>
<rune name="Animate Dead" id="3141" charges="2" maglv="4" mana="0" enabled="1"></rune>
<rune name="Envenom" id="3117" charges="3" maglv="4" mana="0" enabled="1"></rune>
<rune name="Desintegrate" id="3135" charges="3" maglv="4" mana="0" enabled="1"></rune>
<rune name="Poisonbomb" id="3111" charges="2" maglv="4" mana="0" enabled="1"></rune>
<rune name="Great Fireball" id="3129" charges="2" maglv="4" mana="0" enabled="1"></rune>
<rune name="Firebomb" id="3130" charges="2" maglv="5" mana="0" enabled="1"></rune>
<rune name="Convince Creature" id="3115" charges="1" maglv="5" mana="0" enabled="1"></rune>
<rune name="Poison Wall" id="3114" charges="4" maglv="5" mana="0" enabled="1"></rune>
<rune name="Chameleon" id="3116" charges="1" maglv="4" mana="0" enabled="1"></rune>
<rune name="Ultimate Healing" id="3098" charges="1" maglv="4" mana="0" ena
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PostWysłany: Pon 11:20, 09 Kwi 2007    Temat postu: Re: OTs

lukasz napisał:
ja tez niewem z kąd śćiągnoc i mam ten sam problem Exclamation Exclamation Shocked

lukasz pisz
w tym temacie ja ci powiem <<<< link
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PostWysłany: Pią 12:42, 04 Maj 2007    Temat postu:

nieważne napisał:
dajcie link żeby ściągnąć ots

jeżeli chcesz
to ci dma na GG
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moje gg 10660470

PostWysłany: Pon 21:53, 25 Lut 2008    Temat postu:

kto mi powie jak zrobic zeby nie bylo exahused na manasy wysle mu 100 zl poczta
lub gm na moim ots gdy odpale
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